The Science of Killer Dinosaurs: The Bloodcurdling Truth About T. rex and Other Theropods  Franklin Watts

The Science of Killer Dinosaurs: The Bloodcurdling Truth About T. rex and Other Theropods


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These creatures are some of the oldest to have roamed our planet.

The theropod group of dinosaurs saw the biggest, fiercest predators that ever walked the Earth - and also some of the smallest, which were nevertheless incredibly deadly for their size. Hundreds of kinds of these killers existed through the Age of Dinosaurs, from about 230 to 66 million years ago. In this book, readers can learn all about the world in which these predators lived, their physical characteristics, and how they hunted and survived.

  • Paperback
  • 32 pages
  • For readers ages 8 to 10 years
  • Written by Steve Parker, illustrated by Caroline Romanet