Sibley Backyard Birding Bingo Bingo Sets Clarkson Potter

Sibley Backyard Birding Bingo


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Calling all bingo players and birdwatchers to the table! Experienced and novice birders will delight in David Sibley's colorful bird portraits as they play a classic game of bingo.

With ten 25-square bingo boards, 80 egg-shaped tokens, and 50 calling cards, up to ten players of all ages can play this beloved game as they search for a Robin, a Golden Eagle, a Great Blue Heron, a Carolina Wren, and 46 more backyard birds on their boards. Players will learn to identify a Great Horned Owl, a Goldfinch, a Rose-Breasted Grosbeak, a Scarlet Tanager, a Baltimore Oriole, and more. The compact size makes this boxed game easy to pack for a fun country adventure.

  • Includes: 25 square bingo boards, 80 egg shaped tokens, and 50 calling cards
  • For 2 to 10 players
  • By David Allen Sibley