Name That Thing!: Stretch Your Brain Power with 20 Picture Quizzes  Harry N. Abrams

Name That Thing!: Stretch Your Brain Power with 20 Picture Quizzes


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Can you name a BIRD from its feather or a SPORT from the ball used to play it? How about a MEAL from its ingredients? What about a DOG BREED from the origin of its name? Each of the 20 puzzles includes two illustrated pages of brain-building, boredom-busting clues followed by a two-page answer key. Covering topics from nature to space to sports and mythology to geography, this exciting quiz book will keep everyone guessing with hours of family fun.

  • Hardcover
  • 96 pages
  • For readers ages 8 to 12 years
  • Written by Gareth Moore, illustrated by Ryan O'Rourke

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