Meet the lesser flamingo, "hero of the friendly flock," and discover other flocking birds, from the chimney swift to the starling, whose murmurations mesmerize birdwatchers from around the world. Next, get to know the Adélie penguin, "hero of the water world," and discover other birds that are more at home in the sea than the sky.
Then continue through the avian world as you meet birds with brilliant beaks, fantastic feet, wonderful wings, eye-catching colors, and more. Packed with interesting facts and extraordinary species, this book is sure to instill a love of birds among young readers.
Author David Lindo, the Urban Birder, is the perfect guide to the world of birds, bringing together an aviary of species with superhuman abilities, splendid plumage, and surprising behaviors. He also delves into the world of folklore and mythology, showing how cultures from ancient to modern have been inspired by their feathered friends.