The Modern Bestiary: A Curated Collection of Wondrous Wildlife  Smithsonian Books

The Modern Bestiary: A Curated Collection of Wondrous Wildlife


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The Modern Bestiary: A Curated Collection of Wondrous Wildlife mirrors the medieval tradition of an encyclopedia of incredible beasts, only this charming book with ornamental illustrations features 100 real animals who are stranger than fiction. Organized by the elements Earth, Water, and Air, the book introduces both unfamiliar creatures, like deep-sea harp sponges who catch prey in their barbs and digest them whole, as well as ones that have made headlines, such as cicadas who emerge from the ground in noisy broods every thirteen or seventeen years. Step right up and meet these delightful, unbelievable, and deliciously horrific animals, including:

The endearing:
same-sex albatross mothers who raise chicks together
tarantulas who keep frogs as pets
zebra finches who sing to their eggs to warn them of hot weather

The ruthless:
flukes who manipulate their host into getting eaten by a final host
horned lizards who squirt blood through their eyes to distract predators
southern grasshopper mice who harness scorpion venom as a painkiller

And the just plain weird:
antechinuses who mate themselves to death
pearlfish who live, fight, and mate in sea cucumber butts
immortal jellyfish who reverse their aging process when stressed

Funny, entertaining, and illuminating, The Modern Bestiary is a book for anyone who wants to become more familiar with the natural world and all its astounding creatures.

  • Hardcover
  • 256 pages
  • Written by Joanna Bagniewska